Linguistic means of informativeness implementing in an English-language publicistic text

Issue 55

The aim of the research presented in the article is to analyse the publicist text, which is a significant phenomenon of modern man's life and society as a whole. It should be noted that today its functioning is not limited only to realisations in printed publications, as it was ten or fifteen years ago. Global opportunities of mass media allow actualising a wider arsenal of achievements of modern science and, of course, modern information and communication technologies. A publicistic text is a complex formation by nature, both in its functional qualities and structure. One of the most important qualities of such a text is informativeness, which is considered in this paper in the unity of metatextual and communicative situations, included in the process of realisation of certain information and data not just as a message about them, but as the author's desire to influence the mental, mental and communicative activity of the recipient by informing about certain events conceptually significant for the addressee (sender of information) in the way he needs to promote the required point of view. The study of linguistic means realising informativeness in a journalistic text reveals a special quality that makes it possible for informativeness to function; the author selects linguistic means in a certain way, relying on his own ideas, values, world picture, linguistic inventory, as well as on the ideas, values, world picture of the imaginary addressee, who can be both mass and individual. The role of the addressee becomes fundamentally important, because, as mentioned above, the informativeness of the text does not simply narrate facts, events and other things, but reports them in such a way that the text becomes informative, first of all, for the recipient. Maintaining informativeness for the addressee is ensured by value determinism, i.e. the assumption of the reader's basic values in the choice of linguistic means that realise informativeness in a publicistic text. Since informativeness, as well as the text is addressed to the recipient, it is realised by two types of language means - rational and emotional, i.e. influencing the rational and emotional spheres of the addressee's communicative activity and his involvement in the informativeness of the text.

For citation

Knyazeva, E.G., & Soboleva, E.V. (2024). Linguistic means of informativeness implementing in an English-language publicistic text. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 55, 7-29.

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