I.I. Valuitseva, I.S. Vetchinina
Moscow State Regional University
Issue 39

Currently, the world is undergoing significant changes in all areas of society. Traditionally, political linguistics has studied the discursive practices of politicians, i.e. adults who occupy a relevant position in society (presidents, prime ministers, party leaders, etc.) But one of the most striking recent trends has been the participation of children and teenagers, not only in youth audiences but also at the stands of international organisations. The purpose of this study is to identify the speech characteristics of children involved in politics. The article deals with the phonetic, lexical and syntactic characteristics of the speech of representatives of this social group. Based on our previous hypotheses regarding this phenomenon, we have analysed the speech of children involved in politics, as well as the speech of ordinary children, resulting in a number of speech characteristics of the first ones. The research material is video presentations of children and teenagers aged 9 to 19 in Russian and English. The total sound time is 4 hours 58 minutes 14 seconds. The main method of study is analysis; methods such as measurement, comparison, observation, generalisation and description were also used. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the study of the phonetic, lexical and syntactic characteristics of the speech of children involved in politics in comparison with their nonpolitical 9 peers. As a result, it was found that the speech of children involved in politics is more meaningful than that of their peers. The use of slang and filler words is much less common among children from the political sphere than among other children in this age group. Their vocabulary is higher and more specific than that of children who are not involved in politics. And the phenomenon of bilingualism is indeed more prevalent among those involved in political activities. Some differences have also been observed between the speech of children involved in politics and that of adults involved in this field.

For citation

Valuitseva, I.I. & Vetchinina, I.S. (2020). Speech features of children involved in politicsIssues of Applied Linguistics, 39, 7-32.

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