Syntactic modality and its examples in economic discourse

RUDN University
Issue 45

The research is devoted to the analysis of the author’s assessment realization through the syntax in the framework of the economic discourse. The author’s involvement in newspaper and journalistic texts of economic orientation is implied with the help of various linguistic means at different levels of the language system and one of these means is expressiveness that can be represented through the category of modality. It is precisely the syntactic level that allows an author to implicitly express a more vivid manifestation of the author’s assessment, being a way to show his or her attitude to the statement, not necessarily in its literal form of an experienced biological feeling to decline excessive responsibility and prevent possible negative aftermath of expressing his or her own opinion. The research aims at identifying syntactic means used in economic discourse that express the author's subjective evaluation in the framework of articles from the Economist magazine. The mixed-method research approach with theoretical information collection and semantic deductive and quantitative analysis of the data collected allowed us to demonstrate the classification of syntactic means carrying the author’s assessment. As a result, nine means of syntactic modality were distinguished. These results would help in the further research of economic discourse and contribute to the development of the hypothesis about its evaluative component, denying the judgment that the language of economics can be considered purely objective.

For citation

Popova, S.N., & Lukianova, T.A.  (2022). Syntactic modality and its examples in economic discourse. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 45, 114-136.

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