Peculiarities of the use of nationally marked allusions in British business discourse (linguocultural approach)

RUDN University
Issue 47

The study of allusions in business discourse has gained importance and a great number of works is devoted to this subject due to increasing interest in the issue of manipulating public’s opinion and forming people’s worldview by means of stylistic devices. The article is devoted to the study of allusions in linguo-cultural aspect. The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the use of nationally marked allusions in British business discourse. Theoretical background of the research includes critical analysis of linguistic works on economic discourse and allusions. The article provides definitions of allusion, as well as discusses its types and sources. Particular attention is paid to allusion as a figure reflecting cultural and national values of the society. Besides, examples of nationally marked allusions taken from the articles of the British tabloid are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the study of the sources of allusions, with the help of which the values of the nation are vividly transmitted, as well as their role in the development of cultural heritage. Particular attention is paid to the use of specific types of allusions and the description of the author's intentions. Having analyzed the sources of nationally marked allusions, selected from the headlines of the British newspaper articles, the author concludes that in most cases, the authors of the articles refer to the Biblical quotes and mythological stories. The conclusions are provided with quantitative data.

Madinyan, Е.I. (2022). Peculiarities of the use of nationally marked allusions in British business discourse (linguocultural approach). Issues of Applied Linguistics, 47, 108-127.


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