Predications of hypotaxis with explanatory relations in an ergative language

L.U. Tarieva
Ingush State University
Issue 48

The topic chosen for consideration is one of the important ones, as the complex sentence of ergative language is interpreted in connection with the function of the components of the person paradigm, ambiguously reflected in the verb-predicate. The aim of the study is to exhibit a grammatical basis representing one of the nuclear constructions of the portions of a complex sentence with indicative relations. Achievement of the goal requires solution of such problems as: revealing the character of predications of parts of hypotaxis of the proposed type, analysis of structural and semantic organization of verb-predicate, taking into account the position and connection of parts of ergative complex construction. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the study of ergative sentence is carried out on the basis of a new concept representing the paradigm of the person relatively recently introduced into the technique of linguistic research. The structure of the verb in the ergative Nakh language is arranged in such a way that it opens a niche primarily for the mainline valence. The main valence in ergative languages diachronically belongs to the first persons of the paradigm, located in the structure of verbs, causing the ambiguity of nuclear predications and, accordingly, parts of a complex construction. The analysis of predications is based on the method of component analysis, since the structure of a verb in the ergative Nakh language is ambiguous from the point of view of coding the actant as the mainline valence. The technique of distributive approach is also used, which causes the revelation of ambiguity of nuclear predications and, accordingly, their relationship in a complex construction. The results of the analysis of hypotaxis of the chosen type confirm the specificity of the structural and semantic arrangement of the ergative verb-predicate coding one of the persons of the paradigm with the «first» status. Thus, the person of the paradigm (metaphorically and subject too) at the language level is the subject. The practical meaning of this kind of predicate interpretation may and should be relevant in contrastive, typological studies of hypotaxis in other ergative languages.

For citation

Tarieva, L.U. (2022). Predications of hypotaxis with explanatory relations in an ergative language. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 48, 7-28.

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