Mahmoud Agha Munir
RUDN University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Issue 24

This article addresses the recent trend of internationalization in education. It states the requirements of success when teaching business in a foreign language, since internationalization of education cannot be seen as a matter of “simply switching the language”. Universities, which organize teaching in a foreign language, the teachers, who are reading the subject, as well as the students, participating in it, are subjects to a great number of challenges.  

Thus, the author singles out the problem of confusion between the aims, implementation forms and expectations. Another essential issue, is the mismatch between pedagogical approach and learner beliefs and experiences. It is stressed that the role of traditional lectures should be minimized whereas other, more interactive means of teaching should be considered. Moreover, multicultural classrooms require teaching methods where reflective and contemplative learning takes place. Research shows that a wide knowledge on cultural issues, different learning cultures, and different expectations towards teaching and learning which are based on cultural differences are necessary. Moreover, a mismatch between learner skills and requirements should be identified. Finally, the lack of collegial co-operation and administrative support can be added to the list of problem areas. 

The author suggests the following solutions. The first and most important point is rational planning and organizing which in all
standards should begin with clearly defined objectives. There is a need to discuss the question both within the faculty and on a departmental level as well as to create a common understanding of the question of ’what are we trying to achieve by teaching in a foreign language’. The second point is adequate support of the teachers. The teachers should get all the support available for developing and applying business in a foreign language teaching. The third point is an adequate support for the student. The student’s role as an essential and active participator in the teaching and learning process is a worthy notice matter.

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Для цитирования

Mahmoud Agha Munir (2017).Multi-level development in educational institution to master teaching in a foreign language. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 24, 18-31. 

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