SPECIFICITY OF HYBRID GENRE IN THE MEDIA AND THE REASONS OF THEIR HYBRIDIZATION (based on the material of a modern German-language feuilleton)

E. A. Severina
Moscow State Linguistic University
Issue 39

The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of “hybridization” of the modern German-speaking feuilleton, which combines the features of different functional styles - artistic and publicity speech. The texts of the modern German-language feuilleton were selected as material for the analysis. In the current Germanlanguage press, the feuilleton genre is a popular form of media communication. An analysis of the linguistic means that form the expressiveness, expressiveness, irony and sarcasticity of the feuilleton indicates their complex application, which indicates the hybrid nature of the modern German-language feuilleton. The development of technology contributes to the emergence of hybrid means of expressiveness in the modern German-language feuilleton, in the convergence of artistic, analytical, journalistic and information styles within the framework of one media text, the growth of the level of its authorization and the rejection of the standard. The process of diffusion of genres in the modern German-language feuilleton is also explained by the global processes of authorization and personification of the media, since publicists strive for individuality, originality, and the development of their own recognizable style. The main tendencies contributing to the emergence of hybridization of the modern German-speaking feuilleton are revealed. New forms of online journalism, which are manifested in the genre of the modern German-language feuilleton, are investigated. Pragmastilistic and genre analysis of texts allows us to come to conclusions about their content and linguistic specifics, as well as analyze the degree of their impact on the addressee.

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For citation

Severina, E. A. (2020). Specificity of hybrid genre in the media and the reasons of their hybridization. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 39, 82-105. 

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