Date: December-2024 Volume: Articles: 7 Pages: 185

The latest issue of the journal offers a rich tapestry of linguistic inquiries that delve into the nuanced interplay between language (euphemisms in economic discourse and their potential in readers' opinion manipulation (Aleksandrova O.V. and Sibul V.V.)), culture (paroemias as cultural artifacts (Khram M. SH. and Erokhova N.S.)), and various forms of discourse (stylistic aspects of sports discourse (Akopova A.S.), the value judgments inherent in legal defense discourse (Korobova E.A.)). Ulitkin I.A. and Ivanova N.A. examines the integration of new technologies in the education of translators and interpreters while Linaker T. explores the challenges faced by Russian middle managers in UK higher education institutions. Levchenko M.N., Shabanova V.P., and Poliakova N.V. conduct a comparative analysis of job application formats across German, English, and Russian languages.

Date: September-2024 Volume: 55 Articles: 5 Pages: 124

Issue 55 of the journal contains articles covering various aspects of linguistic research. Knyazeva E.G. and Soboleva E.V. examine linguistic means of informativeness implementing in an English-language publicistic text, Murashova E.P. discusses the linguacognitive grounds of commemorative discourse. The issue also examines the media image of the concept HIGHER EDUCATION (Filyasova Yu.A., Long H.) using three languages as a material. The anthem of Peru is presented as the object of research in the context of the national identity of Peruvians (Chesnokova O.S., Govorova L.A., Usmanov T.F.), and the issue of artificial intelligence through the eyes of students is also raised (Parshutina G.A., Kamaletdinova S.M.).

Date: June-2024 Volume: 54 Articles: 6 Pages: 154

The articles of this issue are related to the automatic processing of the text in Chinese (Gorozhanov A.I., Krasikova E.A.), the problems of localization of the translation of film titles (Anisimov V.E.), the interaction of the conceptual sphere and the author's evaluation in the works of H. Hosseini (Fomin A.G., Hakik A.Kh.).

Research in the field of linguopragmatics is represented by the articles "Linguo-cultural conditionality of the functioning of a euphemism: an applied aspect" (Zubkova O.S., Logvina S.A.), "Persuasivity, hedging and politeness as elements of constructing a representative picture of an event during a court session" (Lebedeva I.S., Ivanova M.V.), "Markers of aggression in communication in e-sports space" (Tikhomirov D.P., Akhrenova N.A.)

Date: March-2024 Volume: 53 Articles: 6 Pages: 155

Issue 53 of «Issues of Applied Linguistics» highlights the problems of translation (P.E. Demin, A.V. Kozulyaev), describes the problems of teaching modern business English (K.P. Chilingaryan, L.S. Sorokina).

Methods of forming the image of a teacher are explored (Mikheeva Yu.A.), grammatical aspects of the Italian language (Pogoretskaya O.A.). The article by Cherkunova M.V., Ponomarenko E.V. classifies small-format texts.


Date: December-2023 Volume: Articles: 6 Pages: 157

The 52nd issue contains articles related to various linguistic aspects of research based on the material of various text genres: consideration of dance as a communicative pattern and the phenomenon of media urban discourse in Chinese cities (M.N. Dubinina), genre features of modern Chinese publicistic texts and issues of their linguistic analysis ( E.N. Bogomolova), othering as a trait of postcolonial literary discourse (O.A. Bykova, V.L. Sokolova), study of metaphors in the naval LSP (Language for specific purposes) within cognitive linguistics (I.P. Massalina and E.A. Sorokina).  A.D. Bobr and I.Yu. Migdal consider identifying, studying and describing markers of verbal aggression based on materials taken from commentaries of social networks. T. Linaker studies the problem of professional identity in a time of organisational change using the example of UK universities.

Date: September-2023 Volume: 51 Articles: 6 Pages: 162

The 51st issue contains articles dealing with current issues in modern Linguistics and Translation studies. Filyasova Yu.A. analyses the translation features, typical of BBC article headlines. Khramchenko D.S. studies the integration of neurolinguistic methodology into teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) and enhancing professional communication. Shubina E.L. depicts variability in journalistic discourse in the German language. Akhrenova N.A. and Galtsov P.I. analyse figures of contrast (antithesis, acrothesis) as a tool for creating comic effect in standup comedy discourse. Vishnyakova E.A., Vishnyakova O.D. and Sergienko P.I. study functional and heuristic features of anthroponymic sobriquets in such English discourse varieties as literary discursive space, political discourse, Public Relations-discourse. Koloskova O.A. and Ponomarenko E.V. analyse buzzwords as reflection of transformational processes in English lexical system in 2020-2023.

Date: June-2023 Volume: 50 Articles: 6 Pages: 156

The 50th issue contains articles related to various linguistic aspects of research based on the material of various text genres: the use of inversion in the English legal texts of scientific and educational sub-style as well as administrative sub-style (Degtyaryova E.A.), qualitative changes in modern English punctuation norm in the Internet communication (Salkova M.A.), the concept of semiotic translation adequacy of a poetic text (Stepanov M.S., Palvanova E.M.). Bezrukov V.A. and Shachkova I.YU depict the means of the indirect way of nomination (description) of manipulations with objects, implemented under over-intense emotional tension which causes an altered state of consciousness in a person.  Smurova O.V. contributes to the study of the functioning of conditional utterances in English discourse. Akopova A.S. examines the corpus of euphemistic vocabulary in the English language, focusing on its classification according to thematic parameters. 

Date: March-2023 Volume: 49 Articles: 6 Pages: 147

The 49th issue contains articles on the expression of humor in English (Anisimova A.G., Tikhonova N.Yu.) and German (Tyukina L.A., Babayan V.N.).

Studies on oriental languages are presented in the article by T. Tzin on the cognitive approach to interpretation of the resulting construction in Chinese.

Articles by Li Zh., Yakimenko N.E., Pisarskaya T.R. and Burikova S.A., Smirnova I.V., Uzakova O.E. are devoted to the issues of lexicology.

Murashova E.P. presented the results of her research into hybridization in political media texts.


Date: December-2022 Volume: 48 Articles: 6 Pages: 149

The issue presents the results of research in the field of Romance languages (R.R. Asmyatullin and V.L. Sokolova), lexical and stylistic specificity of media and business discourse (S.A. Burikova, K.G. Malozemova, A.V. Radyuk, M.V. Nikogosyan), as well as an analysis of the role of error correction in learning a foreign language (E. Burrini). L.U. Tarieva analyses the structural and semantic features of the predicate verb in ergative languages.

Date: September-2022 Volume: 47 Articles: 6 Pages: 155

Issue 47 of Issues of Applied Linguistics is dedicated to the problems of persuasive discourse (Bocharov E.V. and Lebedeva I.S., Romanova I.D.), new methods of foreign languages teaching (Monakhova E.V., Sokolova E.E., Malakhinova E.A.), functioning of the British and American variants of the English language (Gabets A.A. and Madinyan E.I.) and linguo-synergetic analysis of the webinar language (Tanchuk A.S.).

Date: June-2022 Volume: 46 Articles: 6 Pages: 167

The 46th issue of the journal contains articles on historical and comparative linguistics (ANISIMOVA A.G., TIKHONOVA N.Yu. Categories of metaphor-based legal terms in Old English, SAPUNOVA O.V. , KOLESNIKOVA V.A. Comparative analysis of French and English terms in the field of psychology as part of developing professional communication skills), applied linguistics (TOMSKAYA M.V.Polymodal dimension of conference presentations), foreign language teaching methods and competence approach (CSAJBOK-TWEREFOU I. Competency-based education at the tertiary level: foreign language teaching in the university of Ghana). The authors also raise the issues of English word formation (PIVKIN S.D. Featuring the use of the -ize/-ise suffix word-formation model in the modern multidimensional discourse as referred to the English language) and psycholinguistic aspects of the perception of humor in a foreign language (DENISOVA G.V., PERTKOVA E.R. Psycholinguistic features of the perception of a foreign humorous text).

Date: March-2022 Volume: 45 Articles: 6 Pages: 162

In the article by Shiryaeva T.A. and Litvishko O.M. CLIL technology is considered as a response to modern challenges in vocational education. Malyuga E.N. and Moskvicheva E.A. analyse the linguistic and pragmatic specifics of hedges in business communication. The article by Gorozhanov A.I., Guseinova I.A. and Stepanova D.V. is devoted to approbation of tools for automated analysis of the original literary text and its translation. Radina N.K. and Kozlova A.V. analyse the tone of electronic petitions of the international online platform Syntactic ways of expressing modality are studied in the article by Popova S.N. and Lukyanova T.A. Language suggestive techniques in business negotiations are analysed in the psycholinguistic aspect in the article by Radyuk A.V. and Umerova D.N.

Date: December-2021 Volume: 44 Articles: 6 Pages: 151

Issue 44 is devoted to the theory of the Nakh language (L.U. Tarieva), the study of cognitive mechanisms of tolerance formation (V.I. Tarmaeva, V.S.Narchuk), discursive ways of creating the image of a politician (A.V. Radyuk, L.S. Kolesnikova).

The methodology of foreign language teachers training (T.V. Ustinova) is also investigated, a comparative study of prepositions in Russian, German and Dutch is carried out (I.V. Shvedova).

Date: September-2021 Volume: 43 Articles: 5 Pages: 131

The current issue is devoted to the problems of cultural linguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages ​​via information technologies, and language theory.

The problems of etiquette and its relationship with the national culture of Americans are described in the articles of I. I. Valuytseva, S.S. Ponomareva, A.V. Litvinova.

Changes related to communication in the Internet environment are described in the article by N.Yu. Nelyubova, E.D. Kalinnikova, L.A. Govorova.

The article by G.O. Petrosyan and E.G. Grishechko is intended for specialists in the field of digital methods of teaching foreign languages.

In the work devoted to the philosophy of language (D.Z. Ernazarov), the importance of the formation of socio-cultural competence among students studying a foreign language is emphasized.

Date: July-2021 Volume: 42 Articles: 5 Pages: 138

"Issues of Applied Linguistics" №42 is devoted to the issues of intercultural communication, pragmalinguistics, and foreign languages teaching methods.

I. Thaler explores how academic exchange affects the intercultural communicative competence of students, considers strategies for overcoming intercultural differences.

T.A. Dmitrenko and E.N. Makhmutova consider the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the renewal of language education and substantiate the shift in emphasis on the development of intercultural communication skills in teaching a foreign language.

In the article by D.M. Khuchbarova, K.G. Devyatnikova methodological and practical recommendations for the implementation of the project method in military educational institutions are formulated.

Discourse analysis of the language of the media and politics is the subject of articles by A.V. Radyuk, K.G. Devyatnikova, T.F. Usmanova, M.S. Broitman.

Date: March-2021 Volume: 41 Articles: 7 Pages: 147

The special issue "Stylistic and culturological approaches in modern linguistic research" is devoted, on the one hand, to current research in the field of phonetics, terminology studies, lexicology of the English language (Popova S.N., Magsumov A.R. Saveliev S.V., Kiseleva N.S. , Strebkova Zh.V., Sibul V.V., Kuksova A.V.).

Another aspect of research is concentrated around comparative studies in the field of English, Russian, Italian and Belarusian languages ​​(Beisembaeva A.U., Arabadzhi K.D., Sof'ina I.I., Eskazinova Zh.A., Glazko P.P., Murashova E P., Orlova S.N., Kon'kova A.A.).

Date: December-2020 Volume: 40 Articles: 6 Pages: 161

Issue 40 covers the problems of discourse theory, cognitive linguistics, the theory of teaching foreign languages.

Fomina M.A. conducts an analysis of the surface and deep structures of models with the semantic subject type "experiencer".

Valuitseva I.I. and Krukovskaya M.O. consider the sociolinguistic aspects of political correctness in American discourse, giving specific examples of linguistic changes at the morphological and lexical levels of the language in accordance with the social needs of society.

Volkova I.D. conducts a comparative analysis of the concepts of pragmatic adaptation and localization in order to substantiate the necessity of using a new term to name culturally-conditioned modifications of the original text.

Sambo sports discourse based on German-language material is analysed in the work of Tabakova V.S. and Guseinova I.A.

Ernazarov D.Z., Avilova Kh.N., Gulyamova M.Kh. identify the main criteria for the selection of authentic materials in accordance with the purpose and objectives of teaching a foreign language in Uzbekistan.

Date: September-2020 Volume: 39 Articles: 6 Pages: 152

The issue is devoted to theoretical issues of linguistic norm, standard and usage (G.T. Khukhuni, E.A. Komarova), business and political discourse (D.M. Khuchbarova, A.G. Sokolova, K.G.Devyatnikova), genre studies (E.A. Severina).

I.I. Valuitseva and I.S. Vetchinina are investigating peculiarities of children's political discourse.

E.V. Kovsh and A.O. Kutnyaya have presented the results of their corpus research into modern English press.

Date: June-2020 Volume: 2 Articles: 6 Pages: 134

The current volume is devoted to the issues of linguodidactics and discourse studies.

B. Tzimorota gives an overview of teaching experience in Greece and the role of storytelling in educating young learners.

А.P. Avramenko and M.A. Davydova describe an approach to the integrated writing tasks perceived through the prism of the concept of “mediation skills”.

T. A. Dmitrenko and I. M. Gorodnichev study the issues of teaching national variants of English and explain why sometimes students can not differentiate British English from American English which leads to communicative failures while communicating with native English speakers.

Various aspects of discourse analysis are investigated: the phenomenon of conflict discourse (I. S. Lebedeva and P.K. Fedorova), speech influence in Brazilian political discourse (R.I. Proklov) and socionic aspects of persuasion in advertising (I. D. Romanova).

Date: March-2020 Volume: 1 Articles: 6 Pages: 144

Issue 37 covers issues related to such types of discourse as song, Internet discourse, corporate and business discourse (Khromenkov P.N., Bashkankova T.S., Valuitseva I.I., Knyazkov D.A.)

Issues of computational linguistics are considered in the work of Maksimenko O. I. and Kutnyaya A. O., who conducted a sentiment analysis of the semantic field "joy".

Linguistic aspects of literary discourse were touched upon in the work of A.G. Sokolova and D.M.Khuchbarova.

The last article of the issue was prepared by G. T. Khukhuni and E. G. Shovkovich and is devoted to the problems of studying a foreign language in Kazakhstan.

Date: December-2019 Volume: 4 Articles: 5 Pages: 122

The topics discussed in Issue 4 (36) are concentrated around computer linguistics (Valuitseva I.I., Philatov I.Y., Gadzhiev A.A.,  Khmelev A.K.), translation studies and  musical discourse.

O.I. Maksimenko , E.P. Podlegaeva , N.А. Vorobyeva and P.N.Khromenkov  work in the field of pragmatics and identify pragmatic features of poetic texs as well as geder factor in translation of proper names in cartoons.

M.V. Filatova and O.I. Maksimenko provide an interestng insight into evolution of the Internet discourse within the period of 2015-2018.

Date: September-2019 Volume: 3 Articles: 5 Pages: 98

В Выпуске 35 рассматриваются различные средства хеджирования (Грибанова Т.И., Устьянцева А.Е.) и персуазивного воздействия (Романова И. Д.).

Также в выпуске затрагиваются некоторые вербальные способы выражение предположения в английском языке (И.С. Лебедева) и особенности медиадискурса (Радюк А.В., Фейгина Р., Джагацпанян О.А).

Date: June-2019 Volume: 2 Articles: 7 Pages: 155

Настоящий выпуск освещает ряд вопросов, связанных с лингвистическим анализом художественных произведений (Козлова Л.Я., Позняк Л.П.), а также с профессиональными видами дискурса (Романова О. В., Сафонкина О. С., Лебедева И. С., Грибанова Т. И.).

Проблемы образа автора (Кривцова Т.Ф.) и теории и методики преподавания иностранных языков (Чопорова Е.И., Серостанова Н.Н., A.L. Carriel.) также поднимаются в этом номере.

Date: March-2019 Volume: 1 Articles: 6 Pages: 122

Выпуск 33 посвящен различным аспектам современных информационно-коммуникационных технологий в лингвистике (Авраменко А.П., Тишина М. А.), в том числе в образовании (О’Дуард Р.), и теории и методики преподавания иностранных языков (Иванова-Славянская Н.В., Кузнецов А.А.).

Одной из главных тем выпуска являются лингвистические исследования в области терминологических систем (Давтян А.Г.) и речевого воздействия (Пономаренко Е.В., Паршутина Г.А, Пичкова В.П., Полякова К.А.).

Date: December-2018 Volume: 4 Articles: 11 Pages: 174

В этот выпуск вошли работы, рассматривающие проблематику, связанную со спецификой обучения иностранным языкам посредствам социальных сетей (Авраменко А.П., Шевченко В.Н.) и современных технологий (Куликова Е.В., Султанова Ю.М., Терехина О.В.).

Вопросы формирования соответствующих профессиональных компетенций в области перевода у студентов нелингвистических ВУЗов (Ёлкина Н.В.) и разрешения конфликтных ситуаций в процессе обучения (Корнев А.А., Коваленкова А.Б.) также затронуты в этом выпуске.

Еще одной темой, освящаемой в этом номере, стали различные особенности использования аббревиатур (Пивкин С.Д., Прокофьева Д.С.) и топонимов (Жук Н.А., Робустова В.В.), а также англоязычный политический дискурс (Абрамян С.А.).

Date: June-2018 Volume: 2 Articles: 8 Pages: 104

В Выпуске 30 значительное внимание было уделено вопросам перевода и переводоведения (Иванова А.Г., Андреев Э.А., Молодкин М.О., Храмченко Д.С.), а также межкультурной (Петросян Г.О.) и деловой (Радюк А.В., Назлуханян С.А.) коммуникации.

В номере также представлены исследование различных видов дискурса (Пономаренко Е.В., Чехранова Т.А., Плавинская Н.А., Хлопотунов Я.Ю.) и затронуты проблемы преподавания иностранных языков (Тищенко В.В.).

Date: March-2018 Volume: 1 Articles: 8 Pages: 108

Центральной темой Выпуска 29 стали вопросы, связанные с различными видами коммуникации (Лебедева И.С., Романова И.Д., Панина Н.В., Харьковская А.А.) и переводом (Сафронова А.П., Шубин М.А., Иванова А.Г., Слободник Д.М., Сибул В.В.). Рассматриваются особенности политического дискурса (Винниченко А.С., Радюк А.В.) и медиадискурса (Смирнова К.А., Малахова В.Л.).

Определенное внимание было уделено проблемам социолингвистики (Лебедева И.С.).

Date: December-2017 Volume: 4 Articles: 8 Pages: 95
Date: September-2017 Volume: 3 Articles: 8 Pages: 101
Date: June-2017 Volume: 2 Articles: 8 Pages: 94
Date: March-2017 Volume: 1 Articles: 8 Pages: 98
Date: December-2016 Volume: 4 Articles: 8 Pages: 106
Date: September-2016 Volume: 3 Articles: 6 Pages: 103
Date: June-2016 Volume: 2 Articles: 8 Pages: 106
Date: March-2016 Volume: 1 Articles: 9 Pages: 87
Date: December-2015 Volume: 4 Articles: 14 Pages: 144
Date: September-2015 Volume: 3 Articles: 11 Pages: 115
Date: June-2015 Volume: 2 Articles: 17 Pages: 172
Date: March-2015 Volume: 1 Articles: 6 Pages: 134
Date: December-2014 Volume: 4 Articles: 18 Pages: 116
Date: June-2014 Volume: 2 Articles: 10 Pages: 85
Date: March-2014 Volume: 1 Articles: 8 Pages: 78
Date: December-2013 Volume: 4 Articles: 7 Pages: 56
Date: September-2013 Volume: 3 Articles: 12 Pages: 115