T.A. Dmitrenko, E.N. Makhmutova
Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation
Issue 42

The article analyzes the problem associated with mastering a foreign language (FL), as an important component of intercultural communication, by future specialists in the field of intercultural contacts, which is especially important in the context of globalization and a multicultural environment.

The expansion of the scale of intercultural interaction entails the growth of global problems that can be solved in the course of cooperation within the international community. In this regard, the main strategic direction of updating language education is to revise the priorities in teaching foreign languages in the context of developing intercultural communication skills.

Particular attention is paid to the socio-cultural orientation of education, the inclusion of students in the dialogue of cultures, which implies a change in target attitudes, training content, methods and technologies for teaching foreign languages. Teaching foreign languages by developing intercultural communication skills removes possible negative consequences when communicating with carriers of a different culture, but poses a new problem of more detailed psychological and pedagogical support of the process of mastering a foreign language.

Methods of comparison and analysis of educational practice on the basis of the results of questionnaire of teachers and students as well as the results of testing of students are used.

This article provides examples of significant differences in the rules of verbal communication between representatives of different cultures, which can lead to negative consequences in the course of intercultural interaction. The urgent need to purposefully form students' readiness to co-study languages and cultures in a comparative-comparative aspect is substantiated, which allows organizing their speech behavior in accordance with the rules adopted in the countries of the native and taught languages.

The author‟s approach is proposed, a distinctive feature of which is the transition from the diagnosis of the psychological characteristics of communicative competence to the improvement of their qualities through the use of an optimal combination of personality-oriented learning technologies and the technology of conducting a dialogue of cultures, which more actively introduces students to the linguistic picture of the world of the speakers of the target language and subtleties of their culture, allowing you to critically comprehend another way of life, comparing it with the native language and native culture.

The authors emphasize the justified need for teaching foreign languages as communication of cultures, since for successful interaction with representatives of other cultures, in addition to knowledge of the language and knowledge of the rules of behavior during communication in the course of intercultural interaction, one needs not only the readiness to understand the features of the communicative behavior of the people - the native speaker, but also the developed ability to see the current event in a double perspective, which makes it possible to build assumptions about the reasons for failure, as well as the possible consequences of their own and others' actions.

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For citation

Dmitrenko, T.A., Makhmutova, E.N. (2021). Students’ intercultural communication skilling in the process of foreign language learning as a psychological and pedagogical problemIssues of Applied Linguistics, 42, 40-67.

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