L.U. Tarieva
Ingush State University
Issue 44

The purpose of the article is to interpret the initial method of localizing the egocentric components of the facial paradigm (speech and affective persons) in the linguo-pragmatic attitude of the ergative language and in the analysis of the structural organization of this attitude. The currently existing system of orientational meanings and meanings of displacement can be supplemented by the study of the pragmatic situation in which the speaker of the ergative language was originally localized The scientific novelty of the chosen topic lies in the fact that the prototypical linguo-pragmatic attitude must be investigated in any natural language from the point of view of the presuppositive placement of the speaker in it. Speech egocentric person Speaking as an egocentric category is assigned to a linguistic sign by the personal pronoun of the first person unit. numbers in the nominative case of a name in languages ​​of various strategies. At a deeper (conceptual) level, the person speaking in the nominative and ergative languages ​​represents the same anthropocentric, or logical subject. Of interest is the fact that in ergative languages ​​(languages ​​of the same area with the Russian language), two speech faces, expressed by different personal pronouns of the first person sing. numbers, and in the nominative - only one. One speech person (Speaker) with the status of the first nominative language is placed in a single prototypical linguopragmatic situation. Two speech persons (Speaker and Utterer) with the status of the first of ergative languages ​​are located in two different presupposive pragmatic attitudes. The results obtained by studying the conditions of localization of persons in the paradigm of the Nakh language should justify the launch of the mechanism of orientation values ​​and displacement values ​​that directly depend on the prototypical conditions of localization of the locator.

For citation

Tarieva, L.U. (2021). Conditions for the face of the speaker in the Nakh language. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 44, 7-28.

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