D.S. Khramchenko
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Issue 27

This article is devoted to the study of the cooperative effect that takes place in the process of interaction among multiple discursive elements. The cooperative effect serves as a basis for the formation of an efficient functional field of persuasive texts published in English-speaking mass media. The author highlights the role of functional-linguistic analysis in acquiring a holistic view of the pragma-semantic discursive field. Such analysis gives an opportunity to see the complex web of functional relations which are formed among speech elements while the effect of complex pragmatic impact is being generated. That is why it is important to carry out research into the cooperative effect of persuasive rhetoric from the viewpoint of getting into the hidden discursive mechanisms of communication in English and improvement of existing approaches to teaching Business English and ESP. The discourse of mass media is a special interdiscursive functional-pragmatic field which combines specific linguistic features of modern British and American mass media as well as texts on business, political and economical topics. Often these texts have either an explicit or veiled evaluative component. One of the goals of the authors of English discourse of mass media is to create a unique pragmatic impact on people's intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres with the help of all accessible linguistic means. Analysis of empiric material allows the author of the article to show how various functional elements cooperate to generate multilayered complex field that has an impact on readers. The result of the pragmatic impact is a change in the attitude to a particular phenomenon, modification of an emotional state and intentions, transformation of categorial structures in the recipients‟ consciousness and introduction of new categories, activation of particular cognitive frames. 

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Для цитирования

Khramchenko, D.S. (2017). Cooperative effect of pragmatic impact in English discourse of mass media. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 27, 86-95. doi: 

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