S.N. Popova, E.O. Chervontseva
RUDN University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Issue 27

The article sheds light upon peculiarities of professional jargon from the linguistic perspective. Moreover, the influence of culture on the use of jargon is taken into account. The data are professional jargon in American and British variants of English.

Lately the interest to the lingua-cultural approach to the study of lexis has increased. This can be explained by the fact that lexis in particular reflects cultural peculiarities, people's worldview, beliefs and attitude to life. Thus, any lexical layer should be analyzed not only from the linguistic perspective, but also from the cultural one, which means that cultural peculiarities, political situation and historical period should be taken into account. Due to the lingua-cultural approach to the study, we can make conclusions about national specifics. British and American English speakers are of particular interest as they share the same language, but their mentality, values and beliefs differ substantially.

Studying jargon from the linguistic point of view the author resorts to such methods of professional jargon formation as metaphor, metonymy, abbreviation, sound clipping, assimilation and points out metaphor and abbreviation as the main means. 
According to the result of the research we can make conclusions that the use of professional jargon is conditioned not only by the professional area or occupation, but also such extra-linguistic factors as cultural peculiarities and mentality play a significant

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Для цитирования

Popova, S.N. & Chervontseva, E.O. (2017). Professional jargon from lingua-cultural perspective. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 27, 95-105. doi:

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