V.L. Malakhova
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Issue 26

The modern development of the world community is inextricably linked with the achievements in any of the scientific areas. As science is becoming more significant in global processes and the exchange of scientific facts and results are more intensive, the importance of cross-cultural communication in the field of science is evident. This proves the relevance of this article, in which the author analyzes the scientific style, the structure and features of a scientific text. The purpose of the article is to describe the features and stages of translation of a scientific text from English into Russian exemplified by economic texts. As the author points out, complex grammatical forms and a large number of terms typical for the scientific style essentially complicate the comprehension of the scientific text.

The work describes distinctive features of a scientific text, typical difficulties in the translation process. Furthermore, the article analyzes the translation stages, the main being: reading the text, comprehension of its content, analysis of the structure, work at the vocabulary, literal translation (or expression of the thought), literary translation.

Then some examples of correct and incorrect translation are given, and recommendations that simplify the translation process and increase its adequacy are provided. The author describes and analyzes the features of the translation of an economic text taking an abstract from a scientific article as an example. 

The author comes to the conclusion that the correct translation of a scientific text requires knowledge of not only foreign (English) and native (Russian) languages but also free orientation in the professional sphere, from which the translated text is taken, and in the scientific field in general. 

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Для цитирования

Malakhova, V.L. (2017). On chellenges of translation of scientific economic texts from English into Russian. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 26, 21-39. doi: https://doi.org/10.25076/vpl.26.02

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