S.A. Burikova, V.V. Brusakova
RUDN University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Issue 25

Today the economic area plays an important role in human life; therefore, it is necessary to consider it in connection with human thinking and activity. Economic changes have become a component of everyday life that increases the interest of linguistic research.  

This article presents different definitions of the term discourse and economic discourse distinct in their complexity and controversy. It is highlighted that according to modern approaches discourse is text as a cognitive event (containing a definite “concept of reality”, a system of conceptual sense dispositions which include individual, historical and social knowledge),and at the same time an event immersed into life, the author, the reader, the society as a whole.

The author analyzes economic discourse from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, where the main phenomenon is a conceptual metaphor or a metaphorical model. The author notes that it is the conceptual metaphor or the metaphorical model that is a method of object and phenomena reflection in economic world. It describes economic concepts which appeared in the conceptual system of the person in the most considerable way. 

In the study, the author concludes that the basic concepts in the economy are: "economy", "finance", "trade", "business", "luxury", "poverty", which represent "economic world" in human consciousness. 

In the future, it is interesting to study the economic discourse from a cognitive point of view, because there is a linguistic reflection of the cognitive process of perception of a particular conceptual sphere - economy, its individual manifestations - concepts, as well as the emotional attitude to the described concept, the evaluation of this phenomenon, the formation of a specific opinion on the described event or phenomenon, pushing the reader to certain actions. 

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Для цитирования

Burikova, S.A. & Brusakova, V.V. (2017). Economic discourse from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 25, 7-19. 

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