A.P. Safronova
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Issue 28

The article defines the role of translation in localization of the media content. It also provides an overview of the most challenging issues arising during the translation of audiovisual products through the example of films and video games. The article contains definitions of the terms "audiovisual translation", "localization", "locale", "transculturation", and "multimedia", but also the types and peculiarities of the latter. It also recites possible difficulties in the translation of media products. These include linguistic, paralinguistic, cultural and technical factors, and the characteristics of the target audience such as age. Two main types are distinguished in translation of the films which are dubbing and subtitling. The article ends with statistics provided on the recent LocKit 2017 Conference dedicated to the matters of localization. The figures illustrate positive correlation between the quality of the translation of media products, the level of the target audience satisfaction and the success of the media product on the particular market. The author concludes that audiovisual translation is a young discipline within translation studies, which requires further examination.

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Для цитирования

Safronova, A.P. (2017). Peculiarities of audiovisual translation. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 28, 74-84. doi:

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