Semiotic adequacy of poetic translation: definition of concepts

Moscow State Linguistic University
Issue 50

The paper discusses the concept of semiotic translation adequacy of a poetic text. Some of the views on the semiotic approach to the translation of a poetic text are presented (K. Lukina, N. Bazylev, etc.). Some of the studies in the field of semiotization of a poetic text (Yu. Lotman, A. Potebnya, U. Eco, R. Barthes, etc.) are analyzed. The paper defines the concept of poetic sign, identifies various types of poetic signs (image signs and structural signs; signs shared by several languages, signs used in one single language, signs shared by representatives of certain social groups and signs related to the author's idiostyle) and types of semiotization (complete and partial semiotization). The study concludes that the translation strategies applicable to the transmission of poetic signs largely depend on the type of sign and the type of semiotization. Taking into account the semiotic specifics of the poetic text allows not only to choose the most appropriate translation technique, but also to assess the quality of a translation.

For citation

Stepanov, M.S., & Palvanova, E. M. (2023). Semiotic adequacy of poetic translation: definition of concepts. Issues of Applied Linguistics, 50, 107-129.

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