Date: July 2021 Volume: 42 Articles: 5 Pages: 138

"Issues of Applied Linguistics" №42 is devoted to the issues of intercultural communication, pragmalinguistics, and foreign languages teaching methods.

I. Thaler explores how academic exchange affects the intercultural communicative competence of students, considers strategies for overcoming intercultural differences.

T.A. Dmitrenko and E.N. Makhmutova consider the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the renewal of language education and substantiate the shift in emphasis on the development of intercultural communication skills in teaching a foreign language.

In the article by D.M. Khuchbarova, K.G. Devyatnikova methodological and practical recommendations for the implementation of the project method in military educational institutions are formulated.

Discourse analysis of the language of the media and politics is the subject of articles by A.V. Radyuk, K.G. Devyatnikova, T.F. Usmanova, M.S. Broitman.
